Why and How to Drink More Water Each Day
Our bodies don’t just need water to survive; we need it to thrive. And plenty of it. Water flushes toxins from our body, helps our skin glow, guides nutrients to the right cells, aids in injury recovery, boosts our energy, calms our stress and helps us sleep. Still, consuming the recommended eight glasses a day can be tricky to get used to.
Here are some tips that may make it easier for you to drink up!
1. Always have a glass or water bottle nearby
Keep a full cup of water or a large reusable bottle with you at all times, even if you have another drink in hand. Convenience is key.
2. Drink water first thing in the morning
This helps wake your body up and get things moving and rehydrates you after a night of sleep. Try warm lemon water for a boost of vitamin C that aids digestion!
3. Know exactly how many glasses you’re getting
Whether you tally them up on a piece of paper, use a measured water bottle, or set reminders on your phone, make a conscious effort to realize how many glasses of water you’re drinking each day. I carry around a 36-ounce bottle and drink the entire thing before refilling to track my consumption.
4. Sub one caffeinated drink with water
Even mild dehydration leads to fatigue. Instead of relying on a beverage for artificial energy, go for an extra glass of water.
5. Add some flavor
No, not the artificial kind. Instead, try herbal tea bags or ice cubes with frozen fruit. Better yet, infuse your water with a combination of fruit and herbs. My favorites are lemon and ginger, cucumber and mint, and strawberry and basil.
6. Check for quality
Not all water is created equal, and the quality of your water matters. Learn more about different water sources, such as bottled or well, here.
Remember: You can’t always rely on your body to tell you what it needs. If you’re waiting until you’re thirsty to drink water, you’re already dehydrated.
I’ve discovered details about quality water and its uses that have changed my life. So much so that I can never go back to the old ways I used to consume it. Want to know more? Let’s talk.