Water Secrets I Wish I Knew Earlier

We’re always told to drink more water, but the quality you ingest is just as important as quantity. The human body comprises 70% water, after all, so premium fuel makes all the difference.
Once I committed to leading a lifestyle with the cleanest, most sustainable and beneficial water I could find, I learned so many water secrets I wish I knew earlier. Here are a few.

Alkaline fakers aplenty

The solution is not as simple as grabbing an alkaline-labeled water bottle at the store. Fake alkaline water uses chemicals and baking soda which do not offer any health benefits. Plus, it’s often packaged in plastic which can poison the water.

No nutrients? Big problem

Purified water has been stripped of its nutrients and actually can leave you dehydrated and demineralized. Almost all minerals are removed in distilled water (or Reverse Osmosis water) but waterborne minerals are an important part of our nutrition.

Tap water treatments vary

This municipal water is subject to strict regulations and may be kept clean with the help of chlorine. If that doesn’t make you say “yuck,” the stale taste might. Worst of all, it can contain sediment.

Bottled water is not smarter

It costs more than tap water, but that doesn’t mean it’s healthier. Sometimes, it’s just a mix of more minerals that don’t aren’t proven to promote health. Another icky detail: Nearly one-third of bottled water tested by Natural Resources Defense Council over four years showed more levels of contamination than allowed. Let’s not even get the environment involved, because we all know how harmful plastic is to our ecosystem.

Hydrogen-rich water is the answer

Hydrogen-rich water works to restore bodies to a more alkaline state, which is optimal for good health. Regular consumption of water like this can lead to improved sleep, skin care, reduced inflammation, a positive pH level and more.

You won’t find a water that hits all these marks at the grocery store, but with the right equipment, you don’t need to leave your home to access it at any time. Click here to learn more about this water hack that feels like love at first sip!


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