Goal-Setting Strategies to Help You Succeed
While the old saying “If you can dream it, you can do it” is true, having a strategy to achieve your goals is much more helpful. Otherwise, those dreams may seem too lofty, and our mental blocks will make us believe we should just put them on the back burner.
The more specific our goals are, the more belief we will have in achieving them, and momentum will naturally follow.
Here is my recipe for setting purposeful, actionable goals.
Start with specificity.
It’s not enough to say, “I want to be an entrepreneur.” I have always been passionate about health and wellness and helping people live a more sustainable, eco-friendly lifestyle. So, I sought an opportunity to make unlimited income, working for myself and doing exactly what I love.
Make it meaningful.
Knowing my values helped me understand my purpose in helping others in the wellness arena. Once I attached meaning to my goal to work for myself from anywhere, I evolved my mindset from “I should do this” to “I was born to do this.”
Make it measurable.
To live the lifestyle I want of frequent travel and supporting my family, I must define success in monetary terms. I decide how much money I want to make monthly so I know how many sales I need to hit that level. Once I know that, I can determine the proper steps to take.
Be realistic.
Success, however it’s defined, takes time, so we must stay motivated in the uncertainty. I may have a specific amount I want to make per month, but I can also allow outside circumstances to inform me if I need to adjust that number, knowing it won’t be that way forever. Remember, time passes no matter what, so what we do in the interim matters.
Set a timeframe.
Having a deadline makes all the difference, even if it’s one we set internally to help get us to the finish line. When I want to hit a goal, I mark a day on the calendar and ask myself daily what I did to get closer to it.
Be mindful of moods.
Sometimes, we can become so laser-focused on our goals we can neglect our well-being. I ask myself how I can care for my health and manage my emotions along the way to have the endurance I need to continue.
Have fun.
Working toward a goal does not need to be such serious business. Many of my strategy sessions are fun and informal. I’ll take my dog for a walk without my phone to ideas flow or schedule mini-rewards for my progress (no achievement is too small to celebrate!). Other times, I’ll have dinner with friends to exchange strategies and inspiration.
It helps to have people who can provide accountability, tools and resources. If your goal is to start an online business that promotes healthy, sustainable living and gives you the freedom you crave, a community of experts is waiting to share their best tips with you.