How to Use the Law of Attraction to Get What You Want

Could getting what you want be as simple as asking for it?

Yes and no. Yes, the Law of Attraction is based on the concept that positive thoughts bring positive results to your life, but it’s more psychological than philosophical.

Your brain chemistry changes when you play a more active role in your reality. By being intentional about your wants and needs and acting in accordance with them, you can boost confidence and feel more prepared to step into your dreams.

The job you want may not show up at your doorstep, but when you raise your emotional state, you will feel empowered to create new opportunities that seemed like pipe dreams in the past.

Here are a few ways to practice the Law of Attraction to get what you want out of life.

Write lists

I don’t mean daily to-do lists. I mean goal-setting lists. Write down desires that are big and small. Underneath the big dreams, write down small steps to get there. This way, you can adopt a marathon mindset, understanding that what you want most may take time, but that time will pass whether or not you decide to take action.

Share goals with people you trust

Be careful with this one. Even the most well-intentioned friends can deflate dreams because of their own life blocks. However, when you find the right people to talk about goals with, they can offer encouragement and even opportunities to help you. If you don’t have a trusted circle, join a group of like-minded people who can provide support.

Visualize outcomes

Happy endings don’t exist as long as life is in motion. Get rid of the idea that your life will be set when you achieve the things you want right now. Instead, visualize stepping into future roles you desire. What comes up for you? What stressors do you think will disappear? Imagining what life will be like when you reach a specific goal will help you get clear why you want to get that outcome in the first place. Your needs might change from here, so stay open to what your body tells you.

Converse with the uncomfortable

There’s a naysayer inside everyone’s head, and it’s just trying to protect against the unfamiliar. Rather than getting rid of that voice or pretending it doesn’t exist, make friends with it. Set aside specific time to let that naysayer get their worries out (I suggest no more than 15 minutes a day). Respond to each what-if with a thank you and acknowledgment that you’re in control. These worries lose their power when you understand they are false narratives created out of fear, and fear is not real. It only exists in the mind.

Practice everyday

Practice attracting what you want from life daily, and you’ll notice a change around you. If you want the world to be a kinder place, smile at a stranger one day and write a “thank you” note on your restaurant receipt the next. To become an entrepreneur, start practicing essential skills like these.

Remember, you’ll never be 100% ready to take giant leaps in your life, but you can prepare to feel deserving and intentional about achieving what you want.


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