5 Ways to Invest in Yourself Today
Don’t wait until the new year to turn over a new leaf. Today is just as good of a day to start investing in yourself. When you put effort into who you are and what you want out of life, the universe listens and rewards you with all that is meant for you.
Here are five ways to invest in yourself to receive significant payoffs that continue to grow with time.
Seek out knowledge
The wisest people never stop learning. Want to develop a new skill or career? Take online courses. Picking up a new hobby? Don’t get discouraged if it takes a while to get good–practice, not natural talent, makes you better. Most importantly, always be curious about yourself. Starting therapy, reading self-help books and joining a positive, like-minded community are great ways to do that.
Take care of your finances
Emotions are often tied to spending habits, so it can be hard to deal with them objectively, but doing so will lead to less stress. Plus, if you aspire to be a high-earning entrepreneur, you want to know how to save, spend and invest wisely. Start by tracking your monthly spending, then create a financial plan to minimize debt and make wise money choices. (Don’t be afraid to seek professional help if you need it!)
Stop procrastinating
Procrastination often comes from perfectionism. So, this is your opportunity to mourn the loss of being perfect because you never will be. When you start a task early, you’ll have more time to iron out the kinks and get it to a place you’re happy with. Make a to-list with the things you need to get done to get them out of your mind. Then, start with the smaller tasks and feel the relief of checking those items off the list. It’ll motivate you to move on to the bigger tasks. You got this.
Prioritize your health
If you feel you don’t have enough time in the day to tend to your health, then something has to change for your well-being. Otherwise, your mind and body will break down at some point. It’s much easier to be proactive than reactive regarding your health. Move your body daily, whether walking around the block or deep stretching. Also, check in with your mind. How are you feeling? Slow down and listen to your needs, whether it’s to rest, eat or express your emotions through a therapeutic activity. Most of all, drink more quality water.
Limit your tech intake
Don’t let technology run you. Take concentrated breaks from your digital devices by leaving them in another room while you work, eat or spend time with family, and unplug completely an hour or so before bed. Set boundaries for yourself, such as not checking emails after work. The less time you spend glued to a screen, the more you’re able to feel present in daily life, which makes meditation, gratitude and checking in with yourself easier.
When you invest in yourself in these ways, you also become a better entrepreneur because it takes discipline and self-awareness to excel in the ways you know deep down you can. To learn how to work online on your terms and enjoy location and financial freedom, click here.