How to Heal Your Gut This Fall
Your gut is an internal powerhouse: It converts food into energy, delivers nutrients to the proper places, manages waste and more. A healthy gut keeps your brain and body sharp, but when it’s out of whack, it can lead to fatigue, illnesses, inflammation and more.
The slower pace of autumn is an optimal time to focus on health and wellness, so here are five natural ways to improve your gut health this fall.
Eat these in-season foods
High-fiber fruits and veggies are critical for a healthy gut. Some in-season foods provide extra benefits. Brussels sprouts fuel good bacteria (I like this recipe.) Kale contains so many nutrients for your digestive system and is versatile enough to eat daily, in smoothies, salads, as a side or in pasta. Red cabbage can offer healthy bacteria (especially if it’s fermented!).
Take time for tea
Tea provides many digestive benefits and is a warm and cozy treat on chilly fall days. Peppermint, turmeric and ginger are soothing herbal tea options, and green tea has been said to stimulate the digestive system and act as a prebiotic.
Reduce refined foods
Refined carbohydrates and artificial sugar can imbalance your gut flora. Instead, opt for whole grains, legumes, sweet potatoes and fruits like bananas and dates to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Set a sleep schedule
Bodies love predictability, especially when it comes to sleep. Try going to bed around the same time every night and aim for at least eight hours of quality rest. Create a nighttime routine that helps you wind down, such as yin yoga, reading and setting a curfew for using technology.
Manage your stress
Stress can settle into the midsection and lead to a leaky gut. Thankfully, several of these tips–such as a reliable sleep schedule and a nutrient-rich diet–can act as stress relievers. Supplement these habits by spending time in nature, moving your body daily, practicing meditation and drinking quality water and you’ll begin to notice a significant shift.
When you’re feeling tired, foggy-headed, digestive issues or mood disorders, come back to this post, as it could be your body’s way of telling you your gut needs extra care. After all, a well-balanced gut leads to a well-balanced life.