5 Ways to Prioritize Yourself to Better Help Others

Giving feels good. Unless it comes at your expense. If you’re a helper–the one people tend to go to for support, advice or acts of service–you’ve got to know how to put yourself first.

I don’t blame you if you don’t know how. When you’re a giver, it’s easy to feel caring for yourself to the same quality is “selfish.” However, the truth is, if you don’t pour your cup first, you’ll have no resources, and helping others may leave you feeling drained, agitated and even resentful.

The more you care for yourself, the better quality care you can share with others.

Here are five ways to put yourself first:

Prioritize your health

Let go of the idea that fitness is just for physical gains. Moving your body daily relieves stress and anxiety, gives you an energy boost and facilitates a deeper mind-body connection so you can become more aware of your physical needs.

Ask for help when you need it

Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean you have to solve your problems alone. No one can do this. You are not a burden for needing help, you are simply human, and support is a basic human need. (If you’re a helper, you likely already understand this concept regarding others. Time to apply it to you!)

Do something just for you daily

Make time for something you enjoy every day, no matter how busy you are. It could be 15 minutes of reading or writing, a long bubble bath, walking around the neighborhood, or any other hobby that brings you joy. Let this remind you that your needs and wants are always important.

Set boundaries

Have you ever heard the saying that people who have a problem with your boundaries are the ones that benefited most when you didn’t have them? If it’s in your nature to give, you must align yourself with people who respect that it’s a choice. It’s always OK to say “no.” No one is entitled to your energy–it’s your most valuable asset, and it’s time you treat it that way. 

Feel your feelings

It can be hard to put yourself first when you don't know what you even need. So, take time to sit with yourself. Observe your thoughts through meditation and journaling: What thought patterns arise? What goals? What difficulties? Even the best-intentioned givers can help others as a coping mechanism or way to distract from their thoughts and emotions. Make sure you’re healing from whatever you need to along the way.

Give back to yourself this holiday season. When you do, you’ll invite better energy and relationships into your life while staying on track with your goals and honoring your highest self. 

If one of your goals is to launch your own business in 2023, I’ve got the tools to help. We are a community that prioritizes mindset expansion, personal development, support, the environment and freedom. Learn more here.


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