5 Ways to Make Time For Your Goals

Here’s a four-word phrase to remove from your vocabulary this instant:

“I don’t have time.”

It’s just not true. Now, this isn’t an exercise in toxic positivity. I’m not going to tell you that you and Beyonce have the same 24 hours because that’s also not true. You don’t have a team of people at your beck and call. You have you. And that’s why you have no room for limiting phrases like this in your life.

When you dismiss your dreams by saying you don’t have time for them, you cripple your chances of living a life meant for you. The universe wants to work with you to achieve your goals, but you won’t know that unless you open yourself to it.

The truth is, you will never “have” time. Because time is something that can’t be had–it’s just a concept invented by humans out of convenience. You can’t grip it. You can’t hold onto it. You can’t keep it. You can’t have time. You can only make time.

Time is adaptable–you are the creator of yours. When you act in accordance with this fact, you tap into possibilities you didn’t even know could exist.

It can be scary to practice this new level of awareness because it puts you further in charge of your fate. Here are five ways to ease into making time for your dreams.

  1. Advocate for your needs

Do you need 30 minutes in the morning to meditate and journal? Or perhaps it's time after dinner to plan ahead. Maybe it’s a midday walk to release stagnant energy. Express these needs of yours so you can connect to your desires.

2. Release guilt

If you feel guilt when making time for yourself, explore this feeling. Where is it coming from? Do you feel like you’re disappointing someone? If so, why? Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. When you fill yourself up first, you become your most-resourced, helpful self to others.

3. Use your calendar

Schedule non-negotiable time for yourself in your calendar each day. Treat it like an appointment, and use it to heal from any limiting beliefs, work through small steps that get you to a great goal, and manifest the future.

4. Eliminate distractions

You’ll realize how much free time you have when you reduce or eliminate external distractions like social media and television. Instead, go for a walk, sit at a park or have a quiet meal. Bring your journal or practice meditation. Learn to be present in your body to hear your strongest desires speak to you.

5. Get accountability partners

Find people who keep you motivated and respect your boundaries so you can make time for your dreams. This can be a group of family and friends who offer emotional support along the way and mentors who share the resources you need.

When you believe you don’t have time, you live your life on a loop, trying to find success in an endless rat race of circumstances and situations that don’t suit your highest self. If you cannot commit to making time for yourself every day, then you need to do so now more than ever.
If your dream is to make an unlimited income while having a wonderful work/life balance and the option to work from anywhere, here is how you start a successful automated online business from scratch.


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