5 Tips to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

I am a big advocate for establishing goals often, but there is something about the New Year that encourages even deeper intention-setting.

The New Year allows us to practice gratitude for the 12 months of lessons we’ve learned and reflect on what we want to let go of and bring into the future. 

The trick is to keep the motivation going year-round. So, here are suggestions to help you keep your 2023 resolutions.

Limit your commitments

If you aim to accomplish too much at a time, you set yourself up to get overwhelmed and quit. Write down whatever resolutions come to mind, but focus on one to three that spark the hottest fire in your heart. Those are the ones to prioritize. 

Create an outline

They say a goal without a plan is just a wish, so how can you reach a resolution without creating a path for yourself to follow? Start by jotting down the steps to help you get where you want to be. The smaller, the better, so you can continue chipping away each day with new motivation.

Practice patience

Goals require both patience and persistence. The kinder you are to yourself, the more you’ll be able to access these things. It’s normal to feel unmotivated at times, and it’s often a sign that you need to rest. Take time to recharge so you can continue to commit to your long-term success.

Be open to the unexpected

Sometimes we become so focused on what we think is meant for us that we resist what the universe tells us. Trust that curve balls are always learning opportunities and what you want may not always be what you need. When you let go of limiting beliefs and listen to your intuition, you can confidently face what comes your way.

Track progress

Progress can often feel like hands on a clock–almost undetectable until you check in after a while and see how much they’ve moved. Journaling is such a helpful way to revisit past versions of yourself and see how far you’ve come, and it can inspire you to keep going on days when you feel stagnant. 
My 2023 wish for you is that these steps bring you a more successful and soul-fulfilling New Year. If your top resolution is to enjoy freedom with your work, life, location and time, I can help you build an online business that supports your dreams. Click here to receive the resources you need.


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