8 Acronyms for Success
Acronyms can help you learn things faster, and the ones below are designed to help you get out of your own way so you can enjoy quicker success. Keep them close for when you need to let go of mental barriers and focus on developing a limitless life.
Things I must experience
Life gets hard sometimes. But, when you view difficult circumstances as necessary for growth, it’s easier to find gratitude in the experience. No one develops in a comfortable place, so when life gets extra messy, trust that more fulfilling, authentic experiences are on the other side.
First attempt in learning
There’s no way around it: You’ll fumble when trying something new. Embrace this truth to take power out of fear around a business launch, move, hobby or whatever it is that feels unfamiliar. You can’t control everything–all you can do is try and refine. The only time you can truly fail is if you give up entirely.
Having anger toward everyone reaching success
We’re conditioned to live in a scarcity mindset, believing if someone has something we want, we can’t have it, too. This belief is amplified by social media highlights of people seemingly living their best lives, and it’s easy to react in jealousy, anger and lower-self thoughts. Realize there is more than enough space in the world for you to live out your dreams and the universe will reward you accordingly.
Together everyone achieves more
When you adopt an abundance mindset, you can focus on your zone of genius and welcome support from others. You are not meant to master everything in life. You are intended to build on your unique gifts and lean on the expertise of others. Trying to do it all yourself just leads to burnout.
Residual income creates happiness
No, money can’t buy happiness, but it can reduce stress. Residual income allows you to finance your passions, education, health and wellness, spiritual experiences, connection to your deeper self and your fun!
Pray everyday and cherish everyone
Praying doesn’t have to be a religious activity. It’s simply about recognizing and expressing gratitude for the forces at work that want to support you. The world is beaming with life-force energy, and the more you acknowledge it, the more you realize you are not alone.
Action changes things
A goal without a plan is just a dream, so you must act to receive what you want from life. Dreaming big can feel overwhelming and even impossible when you try to go from step A to step C. Take bite-sized action every day to gain steady motivation and results.
Learn, educate, appreciate, develop
You give back to the world best when you share what you know. Learn about what interests you, pass it on to others, appreciate the resources available to grow and develop your skills so you can continue contributing them to the world.
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