freedom. wellness. environment. adventure.
Inspiring healthy, balanced and conscious living. Helping freedom seekers work online on your terms. Living life on purpose.

I’m so glad you’re here!
Have a look around. If you’re reading this, that means you care to know more about me and I truly appreciate that and look forward to connecting!
Hello, I'm Jackie…
Wife. Animal Lover. Plant Foodie. Wine enthusiast. Certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist. Lover of our little planet. I was born and raised in central Ohio and have lived in South Carolina, Arizona, Oregon and now Colorado. We absolutely love our new home and being surrounded with outdoor adventure. I’m passionate about true mental and physical health, sustainability, all the animals, time, financial and location freedom and, kindness. I love to travel, but am equally content at home with my husband and our puppy baby Howie. I love to cook, explore, golf, camp, run, read, do jigsaw puzzles and volunteer in my community - especially our local animal shelter.
Why Peaks to Palms?
Simple really. Peaks and Palms represent places where I find the most joy……and then there’s all of the opportunities and adventure in between. It feels like a natural connection with my life and business.
A few months back
I was cleaning out some old bins from growing up and came across an essay that I wrote my senior year of high school. The topic was about what I saw myself doing in ten years. To summarize I basically did not know exactly what I would be doing, but knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur and something around health and wellness. I don’t remember writing this paper at all and was totally blown away that I’m actually doing now exactly what I’ve always wanted. I’ve found that I’m at my happiest when I’m pursuing my passions, helping others and spending time with my family and friends. Life is about learning and growing into the person you truly are and doing what you love right now! I know I am a completely different person than I was ten or even five years ago. It has taken a lot of personal growth, law of attraction, gratitude, meditation and connection with like-minded people. And tomorrow is not guaranteed.