What Are Superfoods?

Have you ever heard the term “superfoods”? You might have heard it thrown around in the last few years, as they’ve been getting more and more attention in our current culture. While they aren’t going to turn you into a super human, this specific group of foods got its name for a good reason. I’ve talked to no end about nutrition and why your body needs to be fueled by the healthiest foods. But I haven’t gone into exactly what those healthy foods can look like. Eliminating junk food and things that don’t serve you is the first step, being mindful about the good stuff you want to add in is the second, and the last step is to choose what goes into your body with intention. You want to know what each food is going to do for you, how it will serve you and why you’re eating it. Superfoods are a league of their own and I’m going to give you the low down on why. Keep reading to find out what superfoods really are and why you absolutely need them in your daily life. 

What are superfoods? 

Superfoods gained their title somewhat recently and are a newer trend. They’re called “super” for a reason, as they are jam-packed with nutritious goodness. They are commonly referred to as superfoods because they are dense in nutrients, vitamins and minerals and very low in calories. In other words, they pack a good punch. There is no real qualification or rule for a food to be classified as a superfood and because of the recent development of the group itself, it hasn’t been made clear which foods are superfoods and which are not

 Superfoods are extremely rich in antioxidants, which is another leading reason why they are superfoods. Antioxidants are natural molecules that occur in certain foods and beverages that serve the purpose of neutralizing free radicals in our body. What are free radicals, you ask? Free radicals are natural byproducts of energy that can cause some serious damage in your body. Here’s some more information on free radicals! 

Foods rich in antioxidants are known to reverse or at least decrease the damage caused by many chronic illnesses and common health problems. So, to say these foods are “super” is starting to feel pretty reasonable.  

It’s important to keep in mind that while superfoods do incredible things for our body, they are NOT a cure-all for anything. Eating your fair share of superfoods in combination with other extremely unhealthy food or lifestyle habits, just won’t cut it. Superfoods support your body, build your immune system, and have the ability to positively affect your health IF you pair them with other healthy choices. They won’t rescue you, cure your illnesses or change everything if you sprinkle them into your diet once or twice. The most impactful way to incorporate superfoods into your diet, in order to get the greatest benefit, is to supplement ALL of your nutritious meals with them. Compliment an already healthy diet and lifestyle with even more wellness. Sprinkle some antioxidants here and there – but every day!

 Common and well-loved superfoods 

Now that I’ve explained what superfoods are and the purpose they serve, it’s time to give you an idea of just what foods fall into this category – and there are many. I’m going to share some of the front runners in the superfood game, in no particular order. No food, not even these superfoods, can offer you ALL the nutrition you need – but they each have something powerful and healthy to offer you.

1. Berries

Who doesn’t love the sweetness and freshness of berries? They are naturally sweetened, big bonus, so they’re some of the more pleasant superfoods. On top of the way they taste, they are high in fiber and antioxidants. The most nutrient-dense berries are blueberries, acai berries, raspberries, cherries and goji berries. Each of these berries have different benefits that they bring to the table, ranging in aiding in urinary tract infections to reducing the risk of heart attacks. Never underestimate the power of berries and feel free to add them into your diet generously and intentionally.  

2. Cruciferous vegetables 

More commonly referred to as dark-green leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables are overflowing with vitamins and nutrients that we all need. Some examples of these greens are: 

  • Kale

  • Spinach

  • Swiss chard

  • Collard greens

  • Beet greens

Not only are dark-leafy greens packed with antioxidants, they are also filled with vitamins A, C, E, K and many B vitamins. They help your digestive tract with their high fiber and water content and help boost your immunity and ward off many illnesses with their high vitamin content! While making a big old pile of greens into a salad might sound like the easiest or best way to get your fill, there are actually some really yummy and creative ways to integrate cruciferous veggies into your daily diet. For some good plant-based recipes, click here. 

3. Legumes 

Maybe you’ve heard of them, maybe you haven’t.

Legumes are a broad spectrum of assorted beans including…

  • Black beans

  • Kidney beans

  • Red beans

  • Garbanzo beans

  • Soybeans

  • …and peas! 

Legumes are a huge source of fiber, folate AND a powerful plant-based protein. That’s a win-win-win. The perfect way to get your fill of legumes is to cook up a warm chili on a brisk winter day. Pack it with all sorts of beans, maybe even some leafy greens, and enjoy!

4. Nuts + seeds 

“While exact nutrient compositions vary, nuts and seeds are rich sources of heart-healthy fats, fiber, plant protein, essential vitamins and minerals, and other bioactive compounds, including an array of phytochemicals that appear to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.” You heard it here! Nuts and seeds are hugely beneficial in your general health AND they’re insanely easy to incorporate into your diet on a daily base. 

Pack a few handfuls of almonds or cashews into a stasher on your way out the door. Add some flax seed to your morning smooth or top your salad with some pumpkin or sunflower seeds. Nuts and seeds can find their way perfectly into every meal, so next time you prepare anything – ask yourself, “can I top this with a few seeds?” The answer is usually yes!

5. Tea

Yes, tea! Tea contains very few calories, is rich in antioxidants and is great for hydration. Whether you’re a green or white tea drinker, you can count on either of them for some big stress-relief. Green tea, however, has specific anti-inflammatory AND anti-carcinogenic properties. Green tea isn’t commonly understood as a superfood but is one of the most nutritionally beneficial “supers” on this list. Next time you’re at the store, find the best-sourced, most pure and organic box of green tea and remind yourself to make drinking a cup of it a part of your daily routine. 

 6. Water

Water is nature’s most underrated superfluid. Hydration is one of THE MOST important things in maintaining health and wellness. While you could fill your glass with normal, filtered water – you could also level-up in your wellness and jump into drinking Kangen water. Kangen water is rich in antioxidants, just like any good superfood, and neutralizes free radicals in your body. By drinking Kangen, you’re choosing to not only hydrate in the best way, but also fill your system with the most nutrients and antioxidants possible. If you have more questions or are wanting to learn more about this incredible water, click here!

The Takeaway 

So, are you eating enough superfoods? It’s time to start! As you now know, superfoods are nutrient dense, full of antioxidants and typically also packing some vitamins and other beneficial properties. They are truly SUPER for a reason. Filling your diet with superfoods and superfluids will help lead you to a new level of health and wellness and potentially support you in healing from existing illnesses OR help to prevent them. As always, I encourage each of you to take a look at the plate in front of you and be intentional about what’s on it. Whether it’s plant-based, paleo, vegan or everything in between – we all can constantly be working toward an even healthier diet and lifestyle. Superfoods are the perfect place to start.

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