Simple Ways to Live Sustainably


We’ve all played our part over the course of our lifetime, by making choices that damage the environment. With the products we use, the waste we create, the choices we make in our lifestyle and diet, we are contributing to a problem daily without even realizing it. But now, with the information at our finger tips and the knowledge right under our noses, we have the opportunity to act quickly and enact change. Know better, do better. We can’t undo the damage that has already been done, but we certainly can change the narrative and leave our planet in a better place than the way we found it.



Well, there are a few. Our planet has only a finite amount of natural resources and those resources are running dry. Literally. With the over-demand of fossil fuels, the urgency of finding alternative forms of energy has increased greatly. So, when I say, “live sustainably,” I mean to make changes in the present, that leave us with a planet that is able to sustain life through OUR lifetime and the lives of our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren…you get the picture. If we don’t address this problem now, we may lose the opportunity. 



The answer is to make changes. Make simple, small efforts in your day to day life, and make bigger, more permanent shifts in your lifestyle that lessen our carbon footprint. Changing our primary mode of transportation, switching our household items and products, and re-evaluating the power we have as consumers, are just a few of the ways we can make a significant influence in the direction our planet is headed. 


Still unsure of where to go from here? Let me offer some tips and tricks.




One of the most simple and accessible adjustments you can make in your day-to-day life is to ditch your single-use products and unnecessary plastics and switch to reusable products and non-plastic materials. 

Plastic is used in almost EVERYTHING we have in our homes, it seems. Hygiene products commonly come in plastic bottles, we pack to-go food and leftovers in plastic bags and Tupperware, the packaging of our millions of deliveries to our doorstep, our straws, cups, water bottles…the list goes on. It is truly astounding how prevalent plastic is in our homes, and once you take notice, it seems never-ending.

If all of that sounds overwhelming, start small.

Plastic storage bags + containers –

o   Ditch the Ziploc, and switch to Stashers or similar reusable + sealable bags. You can find them in any size from gallon to tiny snack bags, and they even come in fun colors and patterns. If you eliminate plastic baggies in your sack lunches or fridge storage, you eliminate a significant amount of unrecyclable waste. 

o   Another source of single-use plastic is the grocery store; a place most of us visit often. We put our produce, often-times our bulk food, and then inevitably all of our groceries in plastic bags. Some stores offer paper bags as an option, but not all. An EASY solution would be to bring reusable grocery bags with you. You can store the produce in those as you shop and then tote all of your groceries home after checking out. Done and done!

o   Instead of throwing your leftovers in the usual plastic containers, try out a reusable and longer lasting option. I’m a big fan of glass containers, and stainless steel for the littles who can’t be trusted with glass. Not only is it better for our planet, it’s gentle on your wallet AND your body.

o    Get. Rid. Of. Single-Use. Plastic. Water. Bottles. They are such a thing of the past for many, many reasons. The disgusting amount of plastic just being hoisted carelessly into our landfills for absolutely no reason, the unnecessary amount of money dropped into a tiny bottle of water, and of course, the water that comes in them. Not all water is created equal and there IS a better way. Start carrying a water bottle with you at all times. Hydro flask, Kleen Kanteen, Yeti, BKR (my personal favorite)…you choose! Then fill it with only good + nutrient-dense water. I have the perfect option and it’s called Kangen water. I’ve shared a ton about it and will continue to, but you can find just the basics here. 

Straws – the straws we are given from restaurants and coffee shops are more often than not made of plastic. It’s a quick + easy and once you’re done you just throw it away. No harm, no foul, right? Wrong. Plastic straws are one of the most damaging things to our world, our oceans in particular, and can be deadly for precious underwater creatures. Do yourself, the earth and all of its beings a huge favor and go buy different straws. There are silicone, stainless steel, bamboo, paper, glass options, just to name a few. Try a few different kinds and find your personal favorite! Then once you’ve found the one, stock up and keep them in your purse, car and kitchen. So next time the Starbucks worker asks you, “do you want a straw with your drink?” you can kindly say, “absolutely not,” and walk away with a clean conscience, a sense of accomplishment and the knowledge that you probably just saved turtle’s life.


Have you ever paid much thought to how you get around? If not, now is the time. You might think that changing your mode of transportation is unrealistic or too much to take on. The ease of driving your car everywhere is so appealing and what you’ve always done. I understand! But as someone who loves to get outside and be active, I can tell you that the earth is not the only one who would benefit hugely from you ditching your car – even just occasionally. 

If the distance is manageable, choosing to walk or bike is an incredible shift in lifestyle that really does change the game. If it’s a longer commute, or there are other things that make biking impossible, looking into cars that are more fuel efficient even completely electric is the next best thing. Businesses are starting to make charging stations a regular thing in parking lots, so there really is no better time to think electric! 

You might think that switching up your transportation is too daunting of a task, but abstaining from car driving for even few days a week would make a significant improvement on our fossil fuel demand. 


As so many of us are learning about the importance of saving our environment, more and more of us are more “woke” to the reality and what we need to do. This includes businesses. 

As the consumer, YOU have the freedom and ability to choose where you want to take your business. It’s an area in your life where you get to be picky, and when it comes to this, you should. 

Most companies and brands are pretty open about their sustainability practices, and usually are promoting right on their front page what THEY are doing to take action in their business. Whether it be the way they create their product, the material they’re using or even the way they are packaging and distributing their products - most companies are eager to promote their environmental awareness with the world, considering how many people are seeking it out. Be one of those people!

If you’re looking for some inspiration, I have information and links on my site dedicated to some of the environmentally-conscious products I love the most


At the top of the list of contributors to global warming, is animal agriculture. The way we raise and process our livestock is the single-most damaging force on our planet and creates more human-made greenhouse gasses than all of the world’s transportation systems combined. It requires massive amounts of food, water, land and energy and leaves behind polluted water, land and air. The damage is colossal.

If you’re a meat-eater, I’m not coming at you, don’t worry. I understand that meat is a primary part of many diets and cutting it out completely can seem daunting or unappealing. That’s why I personally have chosen the path of eating a plant-based diet. By definition, plant-based eating means to center your meals primarily around foods that are sourced from nature. It doesn’t imply that you have cut animal products as a whole, but to have plants as the heart + soul of your diet.

As with any of these lifestyle shifts, starting small is ALWAYS best. Begin by devoting one day a week for eating solely meat-free. Make it a “thing” in your household and even put it on the calendar. Try Meatless Monday on for size; a title that explains itself! One day of eating green is a small commitment and gets you moving in the right direction. If we all eliminated meat from our diets, even one day a week, it would influence the most incredible change in our environment.

And if you’re needing inspiration or ideas for yummy plant-based meals, I have a few right here that are my very favorites. Try them with me!


I’m hopeful that after reading this, you are inspired to take action in any way you can. Whether it’s a small but mighty change like cutting back on single-use plastic, opting for a walk to dinner or buying that sweater from a company who uses recycled material OR a bigger commitment like switching to an electric vehicle, it’s all so important. Turning away that straw in your morning routine might feel like a drop in the ocean. But if we all share the same mentality and turn away that straw, our drops could fill the ocean. 


Feel inspired. Make a difference. Be the change. Give our planet a fighting chance. 


After all, there is no planet B. 



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