How to Boost Your Immune System Naturally
If you’re anyone who’s anyone in our world for the last two years, you have been affected by the dreaded “C” word. The coronavirus has more than made its mark on our world, and while we’re all ready to put it in the past, it still lingers on. It swept voraciously into the world in 2020 and with it brought sickness, fear, loss and devastation. We were locked up in quarantine for many months and ordered to take different levels of safety precautions. We were advised to sanitize, practice safe distancing and most recently, get the vaccination to prevent the spread of this awful virus.
While all of those things have been helpful and necessary, the thing we aren’t emphasizing quite enough is the ways in which you can protect yourself in the most healthy and natural way. By boosting your immune system, you are not only protecting yourself from getting and spreading COVID-19, you are also sparing yourself from any other bacterial and viral illnesses that you are exposed to throughout your life. And there are many!
There are several easy changes you can make in your day to day life that will strengthen your immune system. Stick with me to find out the importance of your immune system in these scary times and ways you can safely and naturally strengthen it in your daily life.
What does your immune system do?
So, what exactly is your immune system and what purpose does it serve? “The immune system is a complex network of cells and proteins that defends the body against infection.” If your body is a castle, your immune system is the guards standing outside.
Your immune system protects your body from pathogens and bacteria that can cause infections and other serious illnesses. It can also memorize and recognize specific germs that you’ve come in contact with previously and protect you against those quickly and effectively. It’s extremely vital that your immune system is functioning properly, or you will likely repeatedly suffer from viral illnesses, as well as suffering from secondary infections that your body was too weak to battle.
While you can’t always avoid your exposure to illness, especially in the season of a pandemic, you can do your best to armor up and protect yourself from being as susceptible to illness. If you are committed to building your immune system, you can feel safer and more at ease about going out and being exposed to the germs of the world.
There are numerous ways to strengthen your immune system and I recommend you research and learn ALL of them, but I’m going to dive into what I consider the most important.
Stay hydrated
…and I don’t just mean a glass or two of water each day. I mean, drink half your body weight in ounces per day (and even more if you’re super active or an athlete). And be mindful of what kind of water you’re drinking. Not all water is created equal. Sure, you could drink tap water each day and get “hydrated” to an extent. But in addition to hydrated, you will also get your fill of unhealthy toxins and bacteria and you will be depriving yourself of so many amazing nutrients that you could get in other water options.
When searching for the right water option for you, Kangen water is by far the best option out there. It is unbeatable for immune system strengthening and so many other things. Kangen water is hydrogen rich, which means it has a high concentration of Molecular Hydrogen (H2). Molecular Hydrogen acts as an efficient antioxidant that diffuses rapidly across cell membranes and can reduce free radicals, suppressing oxidative stress. It hydrates you faster and benefits your body in countless other ways.
Kangen water can heal and protect your body on a cellular level, which is why investing in a Kangen machine is investing in yourself AND your immune system. If you’re interested in learning more about this amazing stuff, click here. You can also reach out to me directly to jump in!
Eat a nutritious diet
I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it again, you are what you eat. The first step is to be intentional about what foods you ADD into your diet. Rumor has it that the best diet for a healthy immune system is a plant-based one. And I agree! Whole plant foods are rich in antioxidants which will decrease inflammation, and in turn will reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases. In addition to being jam-packed with antioxidants, whole plant foods are highly fibrous and can heal and strengthen your gut microbiome. A healthy gut is directly linked to a healthy immune system and so many other positive things!
If you are putting “junk” food in your body like fast food, processed food of any kind, artificial sweeteners or greasy foods, your body just won’t run properly. One of the first things to take the hit is, you guessed it – your immune system. Eating toxic, processed food is hard on every organ and system in the body. It causes inflammation in the body and slowly but surely deteriorates your system. Eliminating unhealthy food is an important part of the process!
Manage your stress levels
I know, I know…this sounds a little less realistic than the rest. The truth is, we can’t control the hand we are dealt. We can’t dictate so many stressors in our life, because they are simply beyond us. What we CAN dictate, is how we handle those stresses. Though we may not be able to change the forces around us, we can change our mindset and response to those forces. And we can practice things on a daily basis that aide in coping with the stress of life in a healthier way.
Stress and anxiety are taxing on your body. Being in a constant state of stress raises your heart rate and essentially makes your body work in overdrive. If you can find ways to ease that physical reaction to the stresses of life, you will be able to protect your immune system and help fight off illness and infection.
Some ways to relieve stress are:
Mindfulness practices
Moderate exercise (yoga, stretching, etc)
Take breaks and do something you enjoy
Practice good self-care
Laughter (A LOT of this!)
If you can focus on integrating these things into your daily or weekly routine, you will have an easier time managing stress and taking pressure off of your central nervous system.
Supplement with intention
In addition to proper nutrition and hydration, it is crucial to also integrate vitamins and supplements to your daily regimen. Be intentional about what supplements you are taking, so you can arm your immune system to protect you against any illness that comes your way. Vitamins and other supplements are all-natural, not damaging to your body and many are chemicals that are already occurring in your body, but need a little help boosting in the right direction. Each supplement serves a different purpose and the list could truly go on forever. But for now, let’s focus on what to take in order to boost your immune system.
Supplements that encourage and build your immune system are:
Vitamin d
Vitamin c
Prebiotic and probiotic
These are all supplements you can buy at any natural grocery store in your area and easily add into your routine! For more information on supplements and their uses and purpose – click here!
In addition to supplements, something Ive incorporated into my daily routine is a nutrition product called JuicePlus. It supplements your diet with the fruits, veggies and nutrients you need to be as healthy as possible. I sing it’s praises for all the ways it has aided in my path to wellness and I recommend you also check their products to add to your own routine. You can find more info about JuicePlus here!
Get plenty of sleep
The final, and arguably most important of all the immune system boosters – is to get a sufficient amount of sleep. Sleep is essential to your health and very closely tied to immunity. But just how much sleep SHOULD you be getting? Sleep studies show that you should be getting AT LEAST seven hours of sleep each night, and that those who don’t are more likely to catch the common cold. Getting sufficient sleep is necessary and allows your body and mind to function properly.
While proper sleep is necessary, it’s not always attainable. Falling asleep, for so many, is a point of frustration and tension. Whether it be nighttime anxiety and overthinking, or some sort of chronic pain keeping you awake, the act of falling asleep is often an almost impossible hurtle.
Some tips and tricks I recommend for falling asleep easier is meditation right before bed, turning off your phone or other screen at least 30 minutes before you lay down, or utilizing a sleep app like “Calm” or “Headspace”, which help put your mind at ease through sleep sounds, music or sleep stories. Whatever your method of choice, going to sleep at an appropriate time and sleeping as long as possible will boost your immune system and save you from catching any illness you are exposed to!
Bottom Line
Let’s face it, whether we’re in the throes of a pandemic or just in the thick of our yearly flu season – having a strong immune system is essential. So, why not invest in your health proactively, so you can avoid having to treat an illness later? By integrating these few easy things into your life, you can build your immune system and arm your body with the strongest of guards.
It’s time to take your health into your own hands and build that immune system!