Eight Tips to Lead an Eco-Friendly Life
We have a duty to protect the planet we live on, as its ability to thrive directly results from how we care for it—practicing sustainability benefits the earth and every living being on it. We can’t do everything at once, but committing to small acts of sustainability every day can make a world of difference.
Below are eight easy ways to live a more eco-friendly life.
1. Eliminate plastic
Reusable produce bags are excellent for trips to the grocery store and storing food. I also recommend keeping glass jars for future storage and cloth to keep bread, beans and lettuce fresh.
2. Compost
Use food scraps and yard waste to feed the environment. Composting fruits and vegetables, grass trimmings, and more lowers our carbon footprint while reducing chemical fertilizing and enriching our soil.
3. Purchase wisely
Decide if a product is worth the purchase. We often buy things out of fleeting desire, not a necessity. If something is needed, borrow or buy from a friend. If the product type is worth buying new, opt for less packaging.
4. Consume fewer animal products
Cutting out animal products can help lower greenhouse emissions. Eating a plant-based diet rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes, and other whole foods can also positively impact health. Need some meatless meal inspiration? Click here for some of my favorite plant-based recipes.
Easy, weeknight veggie cioppino. Get the recipe!
5. Shop local
Supporting local businesses can reduce long-distance product transportation and packaging while boosting the economy. A trip to the neighborhood market supports area farmers and leaves you with fresher produce.
6. Drive less
Transportation is a top contributor to greenhouse emissions, but less road rage, risk of accidents, and money spent on gas are enough reasons to take a break from behind the wheel. Walking and bike to add in some exercise or carpool to catch up with friends.
7. Drink quality water
Buying bottled water is like pouring money down the drain while contributing to toxic chemicals, unnecessary packaging, energy use, and greenhouse emissions. What’s more, bottled water is not typically safer than tap water. More than half of all bottled water comes from the tap, and tap water is tested more frequently than bottled water. For more details on how to consume water smarter, click here.
8. Create an eco-conscious living space
We have plenty of eco-friendly technology to equip our homes with these days, but simply turning off lights and unplugging items when not in use goes a long way, too. Keeping living spaces well-insulated is key, and eco-friendly cleaning products keep the house clean sans harmful chemicals.
When humans join together, we are capable of extraordinary results. Incorporating any of these tips will help care for our planet and allow us to benefit from its natural resources for years to come.
Passionate about eco-conscious living? Click here to learn more about how to make a career out of it while living life on your terms.