5 Tips to Conquer Entrepreneurial Isolation
As I write this, I’m drinking a latte at Starbucks that I just paid for when I have plenty of free caffeine at home. I have plenty of food and drink there in general and ample office space too. So why am I working here and not there?
Simple. Sometimes I need human interaction.
It’s common for entrepreneurs to feel isolated from time to time, and we don’t talk about it enough. We’re constantly wearing all the hats and we don’t typically have co-workers to check in with. Loneliness is the caveat to the be-your-own-boss, work-from-anywhere benefits entrepreneurship provides.
Over the years, I have found a few things that help when I’m craving conversation and stimulation from others.
Here are my top five recommendations for conquering entrepreneurial isolation:
Find like-minded friends.
Fellow entrepreneurs know the struggle, and they can help us stay motivated, inspired and confident. Consider planning work dates with entrepreneur friends. They know the importance of getting things done so they won’t be distracting, and simply coexisting in the same space while working can be comforting.
2. Join an online group.
Don’t have entrepreneur friends now? No problem. There are several ways to connect with like-minded business owners online, such as Facebook groups. These are great places to share ideas, gain advice, and develop connections. Some groups may even host social events.
3. Set social breaks.
Office staff may have chances to chat with coworkers throughout the day, but it can be difficult for entrepreneurs to take time away from tasks at all. Scheduling social breaks throughout the day is essential, whether it’s a quick coffee date with a friend or virtual happy hour before embarking on evening work. Taking the dog around the block with a friend or partner may help, too.
4. Share feelings of loneliness.
As entrepreneurs, it can be easy to shovel away feelings and focus on the task at hand, but it’s important to hold space for the struggles. Being open about loneliness and isolation can help us feel more connected to the people around us.
5. Journal some thoughts.
We can spend our entire workday not talking to anyone, so getting ideas down on paper can help process feelings we don’t even realize we are experiencing. This type of journaling should strictly be about having conversations with ourselves rather than goal-setting or future planning.
Part of my mission is to help entrepreneurs feel less lonely by introducing them to a like-minded community. Not only do members benefit from inspiration, encouragement and support, but we also provide tools to drive entrepreneurial success through online businesses that thrive.
We are a community that prioritizes mindset expansion and values the Law of Attraction and personal development. Want to know how all this works? Click here for more details.